Our Team | MH3 Design Group - Minneapolis

MH3 Team

Bring It On, We’re Ready

MH3 We're Ready Image

At MH3, we’ve assembled a loyal team of some of the best in the business – skilled professionals who are the finest in their fields. How do we know that? We’ve worked directly with them for years and were impressed with the quality of their craftsmanship, the pride they take in their work, and most of all, their personal integrity. And they’re fun too!

Since the majority of our springs, summers, and falls are spent away from our families during the long workdays, we set out to develop a team that truly loves working with each other and our clientele. Our MH3 team employs a “can do” spirit and meticulous craftsmanship while installing your paradise.

We are up for any challenge and are ready to dig in and build anything your heart desires! Feel free to dream big – MH3 is here to make it a reality.

Teresa Hauri The Marketing Maven

Trevor Stewart The Curator

Santiago Estrada The Ring Leader

MH3 Team Image
MH3 Team Image